Website and Forum 


The aim of this presentation is to connect raspberries and blackberries of Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, share growing tips and exchange experiences related to raspberry varieties vilamet, miker, polka, fertodi, as well as blackberries, cherries, lohnes, čačanka and all other important information regarding raspberry production and blackberries , to further educate and unite in our rights and opportunities. The production of this fruit represents a great potential in this part of the Balkans and there are more and more people who decide to step into these waters. So let this part be a place to get help and advice on how to grow raspberries and blackberries, to maintain raspberry and brambles that preparations used to treat diseases of raspberries and blackberries, field work such as fertilization, pruning, installation of protective anti-hail nets and sun shades, irrigation, and finally price information in your region. Price should be the crown of our work. The site is independent and is not sponsored by refrigerators or other interest groups. Anyone can advertise and give an opinion, but still the last word should belong to a small independent producer and his work. website dedicated to raspberries and blackberries .